The Russian occupiers launched two Shahed missiles across the territory of Ukraine. Speaker of the OK "South" Natalya Gumenyuk explained on the telethon that this is one of the elements of the tactical actions of the Russians.
According to her, the occupation forces are trying to deplete the air defense system and continue to reconnoiter the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
“What was typical in our area of responsibility was that these drones passed through, trying to bypass the air defense almost simultaneously with the KAB attack... and this time again the enemy sent them across the Berislav region, where the infrastructure had already been virtually destroyed. A hospital and banking institutions were under fire.” , - said Gumenyuk.
She also revealed other features. In particular, the drones that the Russian Federation manufactures on its territory have special markings.
“During attacks on remnants, we identify that there is a difference between the drones that are supplied from abroad and those that they manufacture on their territory. They mark them in a special way,” Gumenyuk added.
Subsequently, the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces added that the UAV was launched from a south-eastern direction. They were destroyed by our defenders in the Khmelnitsky region. In addition, the enemy fired three anti-aircraft guided missiles at the Kharkov and Donetsk regions.