The Security Service of Ukraine detained in Poltava an agent of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, who carried out information sabotage against Ukraine.
According to the SBU press center, at the direction of the enemy intelligence service, the attacker prepared more than 60 custom publications for the Russian online publications One Motherland and the Strategic Culture Foundation. These information resources function as international mouthpieces for the Kremlin to spread enemy propaganda to Western countries.
It was established that the detained defendant prepared a series of publications in which he “whitened” the air attacks of the Nazis on the civilian infrastructure of Ukraine.
In particular, as the intelligence service informed, we are talking about ordered materials on enemy attacks on a shopping center in Kremenchug, an apartment building in the Dnieper and massive shelling of energy facilities in Kyiv.
It is noted that in his articles, the Russian agent tried to discredit the command and fighters of the Ukrainian troops in front of the foreign partners of our state.
“To disguise his criminal activities, the defendant used the pseudonyms Andrei Uvarov, Igor Loginov and Petr Zharkov. For carrying out information and subversive activities against Ukraine, the attacker received almost 250 thousand in hryvnia equivalent from his Russian curators,” the report says.
As the investigation established, the enemy henchman turned out to be a resident of Poltava, an ideological supporter of Russianism who supported the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.
In addition, as stated by the SBU, he created and headed a pro-Kremlin public organization in the regional center called “Russian Community of Poltava Region”.
Thus, he came to the attention of Russian intelligence, which remotely attracted him to secret cooperation.
The detainee was informed of suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code: high treason and justification of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. He faces life imprisonment.