We walked more than 600 kilometers: details of the operation to destroy the TU-22M3 in Russia have been revealed

Date: 2024-01-24 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WAR
In August 2023, a Ukrainian reconnaissance group infiltrated the territory of the Russian Federation. They destroyed a Russian TU-22M3 bomber and disabled two more.

This is reported in the “Gallery of Heroes” on the website of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, where information is posted about the Hero of Ukraine Oleg Babiy, who died while returning from this mission.

Thus, Babiy and his comrades covered more than 600 kilometers on foot through the territory of the Russian invaders. Deep in the rear, scouts destroyed a Russian TU-22M3 bomber and put two more out of action.

On August 30, returning to Ukrainian-controlled territory, the reconnaissance group was ambushed and entered into an unequal battle with the Russian occupiers. Colonel Babiy was mortally wounded while covering the retreat of his brothers-in-arms.

Олег Бабий / фото ГУР

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