Telegram blocked chat bots to counter the occupiers: Statement of the Main Intelligence Directorate

Date: 2024-04-29 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WAR
Telegram blocked the chat bot of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and a number of other bots used by the military.

As stated in the official statement of the Main Intelligence Directorate, the management of the Telegram platform unreasonably blocked a number of official bots that countered Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, including the “Main Intelligence Bot”.

“This happened contrary to the rules and public statements that Telegram management publicly declared. Despite the blocking of our bot, your personal data is safe! However, we warn you that the enemy creates bots with similar names. Do not send any personal data to them,” they urged They.

It is noted that the power steering restores the bot’s operation on other platforms. Communication channels are also still available:

 - Official email for communication:

 - Signal: +38 096 945 53 41

 - WhatsApp: +38 096 945 53 41

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