Minus more than 1,200 Russians per day: Russian losses crossed the “red line”

Date: 2024-04-30 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WAR
Russia's losses in the war increased by 1,250 people per day and “jumped” the psychological mark - now they amount to more than 468 thousand.

The total enemy losses as of April 30, 2024 have now approached the new “red line” - amounting to 468,720 enemies, the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on their Telegram channel. A lot of enemy weapons were also “minus” - two cruise missiles, one air defense weapon, two multiple launch rocket systems and 26 artillery systems.

Opponents also lost dozens of armored vehicles:

 - 39 armored combat vehicles;

 - 22 tanks.

In addition, three more enemy operational-tactical drones, three units of special equipment and 33 units of automotive equipment and tank trucks were eliminated.
На зображенні може бути: текст «npoTRrom npoTRrom24.02.22- 24.02.22 30.04.2024 ΟΡΙΕΗΤΟΒΗΙ BTPATИ nPoTиBHиKA CKЛAЛИ ~468720 +1250 oco6oBoro cKлaAy personnel 348 .B aircraft 325 reлиKonTepиB helicopters 7307 +22 TaHKиB tanks 9531 +3 6nЛA onepaTи3Ho-TaKTи4Horo pиBHR UAV operational-tactical level 14046. +39 oйoBиx6poHboBaHиxmawиH 6poHboBaHиxm armoured personnel vehicle 2126 +2 Kpилaί paKeTи cruise missiles 12011 +26 apTилepйcbKиxcиcTem cиcTem artillery systems 26 Kopa6ли/KaTepи warships/boats 1 n.ABoAH. 4oBHи submarines 1053 +2 PC3B MLRS 16142 +33 aBTomo6илbHa TexHиKa Ta uиcTepHи 3nMm vehicles & fuel tanks 779 +1 3aco6иnno ΠΠΟ anti-aircraft warfare systems 1977. +3 cneuиaлbHa cneuиaлbHaTexHиKa TexHiKa specialequipment special equipment reHepaлbHий wTa6 36poйHиx Cил yKpaйHи»

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