Ill-conceived decisions in legislation: criticism of initiatives on military offenses

Date: 2024-05-10 Author: Michail Kovalenko Categories: POLICY
The people's deputy expresses his opinion

People's Deputy of Ukraine Dmitry Razumkov sharply criticizes the law on military offenses and fines for draft dodgers, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on May 9.

Razumkov expresses concern about ill-conceived provisions in the law, especially regarding the lack of clearly defined fines for violations by those liable for military service, raising questions about the frequency of fines.

Problems with account blocking

He also criticizes the inclusion of a rule blocking the card accounts of persons subject to penalties as a thoughtless and impractical solution, prone to difficulties in implementation.

In his speech, Razumkov also criticizes proposals for economic reservation, highlighting problems with its application and potential inequalities in its distribution.

Consequences for violators

The recently adopted law provides for fines for both individuals and legal entities for violating the rules of mobilization during peace and wartime.

Fines for evading mobilization during war have been significantly increased and can reach significant amounts, reflecting a serious attitude towards failure to fulfill military duties.

Preparing for the new law

Lawyers believe that, despite some doubts, the new law will provide legal grounds for imposing fines and increase liability for evasion of military service.

Recent changes in legislation have raised many questions and criticism, but they are also aimed at ensuring stricter compliance with military duties and protecting national security.

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