Free legal assistance specialists explained what actions representatives of the TCC and the National Police have the right to perform in relation to those liable for military service. Lawyers for ArmyInform explained that employees of these departments can notify about mobilization events, serve summonses, check the documents of conscripts, those liable for military service, reservists and military personnel, and the like.
Also, representatives of the TCC and the National Police have the right to film the document check in photos or videos. In addition, they may offer to go or drive to the TCC to register or pass the IHC, or to clarify personal data.
“For example, if during a document check it is established that a person is violating the rules of military registration or discrepancies are identified between the military registration document and the military registration data of the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons liable for Military Service, and Reservists. Subpoenas can be served around the clock at the place of residence, at work, in public places, in the TCC, at checkpoints and checkpoints,” the experts assured.