Lost seven boats and an ATV: how the enemy army was thinned out in the south

Date: 2024-06-26 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WAR
Over the past 24 hours, on the left bank of the Dnieper and the Orekhovsky direction, the enemy has lost more than three dozen weapons and equipment, including seven boats and an ATV.

According to the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine, confirmation was received that yesterday the enemy lost 89 soldiers in the indicated directions - wounded and killed. Also, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost 32 pieces of Russian weapons and military equipment. In particular, these are seven boats and an ATV on the left bank of the Dnieper - in the Kherson region.

Also scrapped were eight enemy guns, a mortar, an anti-tank missile system, seven armored vehicles, five reconnaissance UAVs, two electronic warfare stations, including Pole-21.

“Four observation posts, a field ammunition supply point, a storage area for logistics and eight dugouts were destroyed,” the Defense Forces said.

It is said that on June 25, on the left bank of the Dnieper, in the temporarily occupied Kherson region, the enemy carried out four assaults in the area of ​​​​the village of Krynki. There were two attacks in the Orekhovsky direction.

“Having suffered losses, the enemy retreated to their original positions,” the Ukrainian Armed Forces noted.

According to the Defense Forces, the day before, June 24, the enemy lost three boats on the left bank, and on June 23 - 5 boats, a tank, 11 guns, and the like.

It is also reported that as of the morning of June 26, an underwater missile carrier of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is on combat duty in the Black Sea, which is currently not equipped with Kalibr-type cruise missiles. There are eight enemy ships in the Sea of ​​Azov, two of them are surface missile carriers, which can be equipped with up to 16 Caliber-type cruise missiles.

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