In Russia, they complained about the sudden travel of boots

Date: 2024-07-05 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WORLD
In Russia, valenki traveled by more than 16%. This is reported by the Russian mass media, referring to the data of the state marking system "Chestny Znak".

Compared to April, boots in the Russian Federation increased by 16.5% (up to 1,200 rubles), sneakers - by 50% (up to 2,900 rubles), and sandals - by 20% (up to 2,100 rubles).

At the same time, Varvara Mykhaylova, head of the product group of the Center for the Development of Prospective Technologies of the Russian Federation, noted that in May the demand for footwear fell by 3%. As wrote, the situation with sneakers and sandals indicates that the aggressor country began to give preference to more expensive shoes.

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