Azov fighters unblocked Ukrainian soldiers in New York

Date: 2024-09-06 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WAR
The soldiers of the 12th special forces brigade "Azov" were able to regain control of part of New York and unblock Ukrainian soldiers from encirclement.

As noted on the brigade's Telegram channel, "Azov" is currently involved in defensive and offensive actions in New York and its environs in order to improve the tactical situation in the Toretsk direction.

"At the time the brigade was brought into combat in the direction, the situation on the contact line was catastrophic. But thanks to the high fighting spirit, courage and professionalism of the brigade's fighters, "Azov" managed to stabilize the situation, regain control of part of New York and unblock the Defense Forces, which were surrounded by the enemy," the brigade's statement says.

However, at the moment the situation remains tense. The Russians conduct up to 15 assaults in the brigade's area of ​​responsibility per day. But the fighters hold the line and successfully counterattack, - Azov notes.

"The enemy has repeatedly stated that it has completely occupied New York. However, this is another manipulation by the occupiers. The defense forces control part of the settlement and are doing everything possible to liberate Ukrainian territories," the brigade notes.

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