Attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees are changing in Latvia: study

Date: 2024-09-06 Author: Nazar Litvin Categories: WORLD
This was revealed by a new study on the situation with Ukrainians in Latvia.

How Ukrainians integrated in Latvia

The analytical center Providus presented a new study "Ukrainian refugees in Latvia: data, experience and attitudes of Latvian society". Experts interviewed 457 people to assess how Ukrainians integrated into local life.

The exact number of Ukrainian refugees in Latvia is not known, because official data differs.

"There are those who are registered here - that's more than 40 thousand. There are more of them every month. In January of this year, there were 43 thousand people. But according to the Central Statistical Bureau, which analyzes various data from registers, 27 thousand Ukrainians live in Latvia," said Providus researcher Dace Meilija.

A significant portion of able-bodied refugees found work in Latvia (47%), 1010 Ukrainian citizens are registered as self-employed. However, almost 40% of those employed work in very simple professions (cleaners, kitchen workers, handymen). Although 30% of respondents have higher education, the same number have secondary or vocational education. Only 1% of respondents found jobs according to their qualifications (in medicine, pharmacology, education). The biggest obstacle to finding a good job is the need to know Latvian.

One of the serious problems revealed by the study is the large number of children outside the local education system.

"About 1800 children are not in schools. But this is a very large number. According to the Bureau of Statistics, it turns out that 30% of children are not in schools," noted Dace Meilija.

Survey participants said that in schools, teachers often adhere to the standard curriculum and do not provide additional language support, which significantly limits children's opportunities to study subjects and communicate with peers.

How does Latvian society feel about accepting Ukrainian refugees?

The attitude of Latvian society towards Ukrainian refugees remains largely positive and friendly. However, the level of support has been declining lately.

"Our study shows that in March, the majority of society (60%) supported both the entry of new refugees and their inclusion in some socio-economic spheres. And regarding assistance, the Latvian state should continue to pay it," the researcher said.

According to the researchers, the level of support for Ukrainians in Latvia has recently decreased to approximately 48%. A survey of more than a thousand Latvian residents aged 18 to 75 in April 2024 showed how Latvian society feels about accepting new refugees from Ukraine in Latvia:

- support - 59%;
- do not support - 29%;
- undecided - 12%.

In the questionnaire, those respondents who do not support the stay and work of Ukrainian refugees in Latvia or chose the answer option "I find it difficult to say" were asked about the reasons.

In most cases, arguments related to finances and the economy were given. A third (30%) fear that Ukrainians will take jobs, unemployment will increase, or salaries will decrease. Several respondents believe that Ukrainians will take places in the best schools and in the best housing available to residents of Latvia. Every fifth of those who are against accepting Ukrainians feels unfair due to the state or municipal support provided to Ukrainians.

In total, 20% of respondents answered that the amount of support should be increased, and 36% of respondents believed that the assistance should be left at the same level.


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