The EU and over 30 countries adopted a declaration on support for Ukraine's recovery: what does this mean

Date: 2024-09-26 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: RECONSTRUCTION, POLICY
A meeting of Ukraine and its allies took place in New York. More than 30 countries and the EU adopted a Joint Declaration on Support for the Recovery and Reconstruction of Ukraine.

As the OP writes, President Volodymyr Zelensky and the leaders of the US, EU, UK, Italy and Canada spoke during this.

"I am determined to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to win and fight for its survival. Tomorrow I will announce a series of actions to accelerate support for the Ukrainian military," said US President Joe Biden.

According to him, the allies will help Ukraine move from economic resilience to economic revival. In addition, revenues from frozen Russian assets will be used to restore the country.

Zelensky is convinced that this joint commitment will contribute to the restoration of our country. The document provides for the coordination of relevant efforts through the Ukrainian Donor Platform and this support should become tangible this year.

"This demonstrates our common outlook on life - we protect people, and we provide people with the opportunity to live. And it is absolutely justified that those who help us stand firm now will be the first - together with Ukraine - to benefit from large-scale recovery," the head of state emphasized.

ЕС и более 30 стран приняли декларацию о поддержке восстановления Украины: что это значит
The main points of the declaration:

comprehensive assistance to the restoration of Ukraine on its path to EU membership;

coordination of support through the Ukrainian Donor Platform;

provision of additional financial support by the end of the year in the amount of about 50 billion dollars from revenues from frozen Russian assets, some of which will be directed to defense.

The signatories pledged to ensure that Russia cannot achieve its goals, and that Ukraine, after the end of the war, has an economy that is resilient to Kremlin threats.

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