"It is not a normal principle": a military man spoke about forced mobilization

Date: 2024-10-15 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: COMMUNITY
The deputy commander of the assault battalion of the 5th separate Kyiv assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksiy Tarasenko, commented on the effectiveness of the TCC during mobilization in Ukraine.

On the air of the telethon, he noted that recruitment work in combat brigades has nothing in common with mobilization through the TCC. After all, first of all, they are trying to convey to people the conditions and the real state of affairs in the service so that they can independently decide to join this or that brigade.

According to the military man, it is quite difficult to comment on the work of the TCC and SP, because in several days of being in Kyiv, he really saw a lot of people on the street who do not feel the tension that is happening at the front.

"But at the same time, seeing people being caught and forced to go to the TCC somewhere is definitely not a normal principle. Therefore, it is difficult to comment, despite the fact that I recently returned from a combat unit. We are trying to work on attracting people on a voluntary basis, so that it is their decision," he emphasized.

Tarasenko also said that the new decision of the Ministry of Defense on recruiting for units bypassing the TCC also concerns the 5th separate assault brigade, where he serves. This system has already started working for them. The mechanism is proving to be very efficient, and for the recruit it gives confidence that everything will go exactly as promised.

"Of course, there are actually many benefits from such implementation. First of all, a person does not set foot on the territory of the TCC for a minute. That is, when he expresses a desire to join such a unit, he comes to the recruiting center through any communication channels. He contacts representatives of the brigade, immediately receives a referral to the VVK where it is really convenient for him to do this. And after a person passes the military medical commission, he is immediately enrolled in the lists of the military unit. After this moment, he can no longer be transferred to another military unit by some arbitrary decision of someone - at any level," explained Alexey Tarasenko.

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