World War III has long since begun, but the world is recklessly ignoring it, - WP columnist

Date: 2024-10-17 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: WAR
World War III is already underway - it began between the start of Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 and the seizure of Crimea in 2014. But US presidential candidates are recklessly ignoring this fact.

This is what Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George F. Will writes in his column for The Washington Post. He recalled that US involvement in World War II actually began with aggressive, and hardly neutral, naval patrols of the North Atlantic shipping lanes on which Britain depended.

"And the US involvement in World War III began even before this week's decision to send a sophisticated missile defense system and about 100 troops to operate it to Israel. The United States is providing intelligence and weapons to Israel and Ukraine because these countries, like Britain in 1940, are fighting for their survival and our civilization," he writes.

Meanwhile, North Korean military engineers are helping Russia launch ballistic missiles into Ukraine. The DPRK has already suffered casualties - Kim Jong-un's forces were eliminated during one of the strikes on Russian territory.

"From Russia's western border to the waters where China is aggressively encroaching on the sovereignty of the Philippines, the theater of today's wars and near-wars spans six of the globe's 24 time zones. This is what the "coming storm" (the title of the first of Winston Churchill's six-volume memoir of World War II) of a world war looks like," Will writes.

And, according to the columnist, the US presidential candidates are showing a "reckless disregard" for the situation. None of them has shown any signs of awareness of what is happening, let alone serious reflection on the growing global conflagration.

"This global disorder will define the reputation of the Biden-Harris administration more than extravagant spending (excluding defense). And this year, Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister close to Putin, who opposes aid to Ukraine, visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago twice in 125 days," the author stated.

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