Children are being taken out of Ukraine en masse: Yuzhanina spoke about the reasons

Date: 2024-10-17 Author: Кирило Загоруйко Categories: COMMUNITY
About 300 thousand children left Ukraine before the start of the new school year. This was stated by People's Deputy Nina Yuzhanina on air at Vechir.LIVE.

She noted that such a number of children who have left is causing serious concern for the authorities. Yuzhanina expressed the opinion that such a situation indicates that the parents of the children are not receiving signals from the authorities regarding plans for the future, in particular, regarding the autumn-winter period and the military capabilities of the state.

The deputy emphasized that many are selling their property in Ukraine and going abroad, mainly to Poland.

"This means that people... do not hear from the authorities what the plan of action is for the coming fall, winter, and what about the offensive and military capabilities. Today people live here, and tomorrow they sell their apartment, property and leave. The nearest is Poland," the deputy commented on the situation.

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