In the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, three powerful brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are engaged in a close battle with enemy marines and North Korean soldiers who are attacking from two directions.
Forbes called it an "apocalyptic battle" that costs the enemy of the Ukrainian Armed Forces dozens of units of equipment and hundreds of lives.
"This does not mean that the Russians will not win. The Kremlin has created a personnel machine for pumping new troops into battle. Of course, the machine cannot work forever. But there are no signs that the raw materials will run out any time soon," the publication notes.
The Ukrainian Center for Defense Strategies stated that the Russians have regrouped on this section of the front. As noted, the Russian leadership wants to return the captured territory of the region and is ready to pay for it with thousands of lives. The victory of Republican Donald Trump in the US presidential elections may also spur the Kremlin on, because he promised to end the war in Ukraine at his inauguration in January. Freezing the current front line would mean the loss of territory for both sides.
A standoff is currently underway between the Russians on wheeled armored personnel carriers BTR-82 and the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade, the 47th Mechanized Brigade with M-1 tanks and M-2 combat vehicles from the USA, as well as the recently reorganized 17th Heavy Mechanized Brigade. These Defense Forces fighters blow up Russian equipment almost as fast as it gets to the front.
In the village of Pogrebki, at least three APC cemeteries with a large number of dead occupiers have already formed. Despite this, some vehicles still managed to get through Ukrainian mines, drones, missiles and artillery. This allowed the enemy to push back the Ukrainian Armed Forces' positions.
It is not only the North Koreans who are helping the Russians. The training base in occupied Crimea also sends "mercenaries from African countries and Cuba" to the 810th Marine Brigade.