On Wednesday, January 4, Reuters, citing the Elysee Palace, reported that France would supply Ukraine with AMX-10RC armored vehicles. They are equipped with a 105 mm cannon and a machine gun.
Therefore, military expert Alexander Kovalenko in his telegram channel told what is known about the AMX-10RC. He explained that, contrary to media reports, this is not a "wheeled tank" at all, because such a class does not exist.
"This is a very useful and much needed machine, especially within the framework of the counteroffensive tactics used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Mobility and assertiveness, which lacked additional firepower. The 105 mm F2 BK Mecal l / 48 rifled barrel copes with this with a bang," says the expert.
He called it "a very specific machine" - in fact, a mobile armored personnel carrier with a very powerful barrel, like for an armored personnel carrier. Kovalenko asked when and in what quantity Ukraine will receive AMX-10RC, because France has enough of them.
Separately, a military expert noted that the AMX-10RC is not a unique infantry fire support vehicle:
"For example, in Italy there is a B1 Centauro, and even in the version with a 120-mm Oto Melara cannon. And in the USA - the M1128 Mobile Gun System. But it is France that will be the first to provide us with such combat vehicles."