Launch of "Dія.Оffice" Service for Government Officials in Ukraine

Date: 2023-12-01 Author: Dima Zakharov Categories: TECHNOLOGY
New Service Benefits:
With the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers, the "Dія.Оffice" service will enable public servants to obtain electronic identification through the Dія app. They can conduct surveys, utilize services for improved communication, and authenticate on corporate platforms using Dія signatures.

Enhanced Transparency:
The Dія.Оffice platform will provide information about the structure of government bodies and the individuals responsible for specific areas, enhancing transparency in their operations, according to the Vice Prime Minister's conviction.

Future Features:
The application's future plans include providing information on the goals of each ministry and the government as a whole. Additionally, the functionality will extend to assessing the performance and Key Results Indicators (KRI) for each civil servant, allowing the evaluation of their effectiveness and goal relevance.

Cost-Effective Implementation:

Fedorov emphasizes that no additional budgetary funds will be allocated for the project. The software is being developed with the support of the Swiss-Ukrainian EGAP program, executed by the Eastern Europe Foundation and facilitated by the "Dія Support Project," funded by the Government of Sweden and implemented by the UNDP in Ukraine.


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