The narrative revolves around 14-year-old Andriy, who, in the backdrop of impending political change, steals gifts for his crush Iryna. As chaos ensues, the camp's caretaker, Taras, is enamored with the director, Galina. Meanwhile, camp manager Petrovich brings news of protests in Moscow, with Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" playing persistently on the television.
The film depicts a temporal vacuum where life seems suspended between past and future, unbeknownst to the camp residents, unaware that their country and destinies are on the brink of irreversible change due to the impending GKCHP events in three days.
Starring Irina Mak ("Catch Haydash," "Numbers") and Oleg Stefan ("Hutsulka Ksenya," "Zakhar Berkut"), the short film "GKCHP" (internationally titled "Golden Leggings") is a Family Production, supported by the State Film Agency.
This year, Arkadiy Nepitalyuk's "GKCHP" received recognition as the Best Short Fiction Film at the National Film Critics Award, "Kinokolo."
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